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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. couple of canvases I did today. fucked up the eye on the top one, have corrected it but havent refliced it yet crits more than welcome
  2. ch0 is where its at man lol I'm always in there
  3. why don't you delete those posts and post em in the toy paint section, what is it with people posting painted shit in here???
  4. I like the bottom one more, I think the I is sloped too much in the first
  5. I think the bars at the top and bottom of the I are too big creating too much space between the letters also the way the N and A slope away from each other make it seem almost like 2 words
  6. its dope just think that C is too small
  7. to be honest, i find I get a whole different perspective on a picture when viewing it online and that E is shit, I will have to change that
  8. will ink it and colour and 3D too
  9. just a rough sketch for Atnie exchange, spelt it right this time!!
  10. haha Sale realised I misspelled my sketch from last night will rejig that shit and redo
  11. I think the second one has a solid foundation for working on, i like the S and N overlap and do prefer the A on the second much more than the first A On the first one there is too much space created from the shape of the I
  12. I don't quite know what you mean by one on one tutoring, it is just a case of practise. Do simples til u can do them in your sleep, then experiment with the letters
  13. yea man that right, did this last night real quick not sure if I like it so will probably start over
  14. I got a blackbook I started about a month ago has about 10 pages left and I have about 4 other books I have fellied in the last 3 months gonna start getting A3 sized books and going big haha
  15. Sure OK you write Atine yea?
  16. I think they are both dope Freak but the top one just takes it for me Donald I really like that, I just feel the S could do with some work Last, just work on keyboard simples for now before you expand
  17. as I posted the sketch I might as well post it coloured
  18. ok what i have been thinking is to try and make the PU and the GE like they are dripping in slime from the ghost and maybe a red R with a purpley background or maybe a sewer scene. what you think or is that going to far for a simple battle oh and hyper thats a sweet onw you gone for a name change or just juggling about
  19. the D could do with being a bit wider i think to balance out the N
  20. I like that Freak, but no disrespect I know you can do better (i know was rushed lol) also had this idea for the battle, just rough sketch cos duno whether to use this either lol
  21. simple I was gonna use for the battle but couldn't think of a character to go with it and also after seeing whos entering thought would need to try a bit harder lol but hey thought I would post it
  22. Hazo and JoeW you guys need to post those pics in Toy paint thread, or even better practise drawing first before painting
  23. those are cool, but if thats for the Purge battle its supposed to be simples
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