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Posts posted by R@ndomH3ro

  1. because i really want to know.


    You need a pin spanner




    That will help you take it off, if you need help and these cyclocross roadie dudes dont help feel free to post in the BMX thread. I usually only check that thread out

  2. i've no doubt that man makers sucks, but to say they're better than burpees is wrong.

    thats like saying a p90x pushup is better than a regular pushup. no shit. its like 12 exercises in one...


    anyhow. i've let myself go. have minimal motivation and am not really sure what to do about it...



  3. Man, my problem with working out is that I am tired all the time.


    I wake up early in the morning (5:00)

    Ride to work (4 mile ride)

    Then I work and I am zoned out...sometimes my job can be stressful and when I need to work out I am just so spent that I dont

    So I just ride home (another 4 miles) and sit on the couch and watch TV


    I worked out last week but this week I am just to tired to do it, any suggestions?

  4. i have been a little sick the last 3 days....back pain etc.


    haven't worked out, still losing weight through dietary choices, looking forward to running and lifting tomorrow.


    on a side note, crossfit is $100 a month, currently I am making $480 a week on unemployment....I don't know if I can justify the expense when I consider my gym membership is only $30.


    I may can the crossift and hit the gym regularly instead. with crossift I am not on a regular schedule because some days literally kill me and put me out of commission for a day or two....


    any opinions?


    Yo, Crossfit is free bro



  5. I dont want to sound like an asshole but this seems easy..


    Are those air squats or with weight?


    I might try this today.


    haha, I recant my statement, that shit was brutal. I think it was the wall jump then to squats combination


    But I did it, time was 32 minutes

    • Like 1
  6. Haha, really man. Running is okay, but its not something that you can replace with some other cardio exercise. Swimming, biking, cross country skiing, stuff like that.


    Running is an art that can either help your cardio or fuck your body up. if it wasnt part of my job to run, I would rather swim or ride bikes

  7. Knee's feeling better. Still swelling up when i run but im just gonna see how much i can push it.


    Acer, with your water sloshing problem, you remember how much carb-loading you were doing at the same time?


    I wouldnt, if your knees are swelling when you run then something is wrong. Take it easy and ice that fucker down

  8. (50 wall jumps, 40 squats, 30 situps, 20 pushups, 10 pullups) x5


    Crossfit kicked my ass today....i could only finish 3 sets


    I dont want to sound like an asshole but this seems easy..


    Are those air squats or with weight?


    I might try this today.

  9. Im sensing sarcasm, in which case you're missing the point. I want to get back into fighting condition so when that shit happens I dont feel so threatened and drop the guy when there's no real reason I can't just walk away.


    First I dont believe in training in a fight style unless you are going for the sport. (Or in my case, part of your job) Other then that why would a grown man feel the need to "drop" someone? I mean really, I haven't been in a fight since highschool...and I have never been in a place were I would need to "drop someone"?


    Maybe you shouldnt hang out in shitty places

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