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Posts posted by OL'DIRTYGeEEZER

  1. Re: fuck my wife. whats now?


    I used to know a dude named Abdul Rahman...its not the same dude becuase this one owes me money and stole integras in 1997 for a living..i say 1997 becuase he started to *you guessed it* sell used cars to people...



    i feel depressed after talking about him...





  2. Yeah..im usually not pro military but these assholes from code pink are taking it too far...what the fuck is thier problem? The marines have a right to set up shop wherever they want....these stupid fucking grandmas and hippies piss me the fuck off sometimes...i live really close to berkely and i hate going there becuase all there is is hippies and yuppys...

  3. Yeah..im usually not pro military but these assholes from code pink are taking it too far...what the fuck is thier problem? The marines have a right to set up shop wherever they want....these stupid fucking grandmas and hippies piss me the fuck off sometimes...i live really close to berkely and i hate going there becuase all there is is hippies and yuppys...

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