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John Galt

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Posts posted by John Galt

  1. seriously, don't narrow your options so young. I know that sounds patronising, but when I was 17, I wanted to be a Marine. Thank fuck my parents stopped me and I grew out of that....


    I wish I had grown out of it BEFORE I signed the contract...


    Piffy, this entire thread is full of people who are older than you and have already been where you are, and every single one of them is telling you to stay in school. That ought to make you step back and think.


    Either that, or do what one person said and sell meth. Good money to be made there.

  2. i agree... fuck this.


    we got about an inch of snow last night and it was as if armageddon hit... this state does not know how to drive. basically the whole base was shut down til 0900. for an inch of snow... one inch... fucking ridiculous driving to school today was frightening because the other fuckers around me in panic-i-dont-know-what-do-mode. ugh.


    spring time, i can't wait for it.


    You literally took the words out of my...keyboard. Except it was driving from to the barracks, no school.

  3. I jumped ship about halfway through college, thinking I needed some kind of adventure or just a change of pace. For better or worse, I've gotten that. At the same time, I'm not entirely happy with where I'm at, and I'm stuck with it until I'm almost 27.


    If you feel like you need to try something new, by all means go for it. Just do you research first. You could find yourself locked into something you hate. Someone already suggested the military, and that can be a good choice. Just understand that once you sign that contract, they own you for the next four to five years. And being older, getting bossed around by some 18 year old kid fresh out of high school, gets old real quick.

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