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Everything posted by Krusify

  1. wat!! how?? y?? dud thts a fucking good carak! i love it! damn if its so bad show me his other pics or link me to em cause thts the best fucking tv ibve seen in a long time , DAT PHAT§!!!!!
  2. Krusify


    some theows fror the battle, theysay hair, crits appreciated
  3. hest, new piece, improvments sank:)
  4. havok man those nah scetches r bouncing! and shadow tht pics really good too
  5. u dont have to have a drop shadow but if u do itd make ur piece look much nicer^^ oh and so far all entrys are really good, u guys r getting alot better:) really dope havok for both entrys^^
  6. ok SO! sry guys i know the Official battle thread moves quicker but i got alot of school , homework fucking shit...and when im at school u guys r sleeping and vice versa. New Theme battle!!!! Word: STUDY Every thing goes for this battle caraks balkground anything!! knock urselves out. 1 rule, the entry has to do sumthing with school anything idont care a carak as a scool teacher...anything! battle will be due on sunday ______________________________________________________________________________________ New Throwie Battle! Word: Hair Color: 1 color for fill 1 for outline + dropshadow Due date: Saturday
  7. alright a theme battle will be available shortly and a throwie if u dont want to participate in the theme battle
  8. ok ok wtf Johnneh ill do the tallys mate lol u got em wrong.... Throwie battle: 4 votes for Johnneh7 2 votes for Bambu Handy battle: 4votes Krusify 2votes Bambu 1John thts wat i got so far and as far as the theme battle goes how bout aschool themed battle or somrthing the word kould be Chalk and ud have to do a school carak like a teacher or sumfin... sounds good??
  9. no it dont sry but no1 can vote for themselves lol.. and johnneh in the throwie battle 2 people voted for u and 3 people voted bambu, bambu is in the leed, and earthworm? wat do u mean same vote as johnneh? u mean u vote for him or bambu its not clear, cause if u vote johnneh itd be 3 for johnneh and 2 for bambu clarify plz and we need more votes! oh and johnneh for the next throwie battle, try not to make ur letters too straight.. cause throwie is round flexible not straight with 3-d, wat u drew are simples oh and for thecarak battle if yall want 1 so bad toss ideas my way through pm!
  10. i vote optik cause his colors are hot and and his structure is really good! now c if i were juidging at first eye i would have voted neberz cause u c his shit pop when u first take a look, then urs optik is more square and stuff, but then i take a look at both entrys quickly and spot a good difference in technique...but if i was just onez of those people passing by and voting at first eye i would have voted neberz. oh and mabe "toys" as u call em cant do anything as good as u but they have looked at magazines and shit, its not like we completly suck, so i think we have a right to vote anyway +1 optik
  11. haha alert its koo i vote Johnneh7 fo the throwie battle and bambu for the handy battle!
  12. wow u made such an improvment we can read the letters now :) hahahaha
  13. Entrys for kant throw battle! Johnneh7: Bambu: Fanactism: Krusify: VOTE PEEPS!! _____________________________________________________________________________________ Entrys for the Lock throwie battle! Johnneh7: Bambu: Hyper: Krusify: VOTE VOTE VOTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  14. yo wtf? first off alert tht Bash is hottt! second its lock not lost... 3rd we only got 3votes for the bash battle 1havok, 1bambu 1tickle sry about tht flying but cola voted for u...even tho it wasnt the right battle...watever anyway scince i still havnt voted yet i vote................... HAVOK and scince were not gettin nymore votes and tht Alerts entry isnt exeptable cause its 2late....oh and thnx alert for drawing sumfin fo us:) HAVOK WINS THE BASH BATTLE! .....updating scoreboard..... __________________________________________________________________________________ heres my entry for the kant thro: and the lock handy: my marker kinda died for that one. I WILL BE POLLING THE THROW AND HANDY BATTLE SOON!
  15. sry fo the double post... i cant get every1's entrys 2nite cause factism needs to get in another throwie and i got sum stuff to do, so basically ill post all entrys to both battles 2morrow after i get home from school __________________________________________________________________________________ and about the bash batle 1 person voted flying above tree level, we need more votes to conclude the bash battle!
  16. kool do as manhy as ud like ill poll the best one...practise makes perfect:D
  17. yo blart how do u put sum1 on ignore???
  18. yeah they r...glad to hear ur in bambu.. emm mabe we could have a schoiol type theme lolo, like a shool bus, a nasty teacher as a carak, idk fuk u guys tell me if this is a good idea...
  19. yo any1 getting up on this?? ok well scince no1 awnsered the due date is for 17th of September leaves u 2days, i guess thts good..
  20. sry guys i still havnt done a steeaz battle or a throwie, so right now its on While we r still voting for the BASH battle new throwie battle! Word: Kant Style: Throwie Color: not more than 2 colors , one for the fill other for the outline new handstyle battle! Word: Lock color: 1 color these r both due 2morrow! sry Hezer i dont like the theme, everything else sounds good but we'll do tht battle after the bash is finished, i like the carak idea, color and all, exept the secret agent...i dont much like tht part.. ok guys get cracking on these 2battles!!!!
  21. ahahahahahahahaha this SUCKS so fucking bad but hey its simple...and i dont know how to do simples.. sry i rushed it i took like 2minutes Here are the entry's for the BASH battle! Nottz: Tickle: Earth: Hypergraphia: Slip: Havok: Bambu: Krusify: wow lots of peeps joined this battle.... ok VOTE VOTE VOTE!!
  22. sure but i got to poll it all first, i ve got to fucking find my cam, or use the scanner, if i dont get in my entry in an hour or so im polling em in, cause its the due date today
  23. u got it, ive nvr really done simples b4, its wierd doing em, i kinda dont know how too...thts where i started graffiti of on the wrong foot....
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