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Everything posted by papsmearer

  1. failed to be original haaaaaaaaaa somebody just asked this on bs. so if i go to powell square, what are the chances of me getting shot or stepping on a syringe?
  2. post all the flicks please
  3. so nobody went over the horse? am i the only one whose confused right now?
  4. so whats the deal with all the people who suck talking shit about other people who are decent you guys are the new sic's
  5. check out this relic must be from about 02! holy shit a whole 5 years who knew frieghts could run for that long?
  6. quit being such a homo......oh yea and graffiti
  7. ayce! keep benching ns flats that roll through detroit por favor
  8. what happened to the kids that used to post pictures in here?
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