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Posts posted by PreOne

  1. Is it just me or is the guy in the blue shirt the guy in Style Wars when they are talking about painting the trains white? :lol:


    lol lol i think that is him ... is that a ven tag on the front by the door in black?

    and wow how pointless, all that work they did painting those trains and they dumped them in the ocean not 10 yrs later lol lol .. man, life is just one pointless excercise after another

  2. you're kidding, right? graffiti is about mastering many styles of hands, throws, pieces, etc. its not about doing one thing and one thing only and to say that this is philly and its all about tagging is ridic. do these names ring bells:


    estro, pep, ez, car, rh, pez, teaz, share, braze, pre, sew, ced, sat, credit, espo, dazer, suroc, mek, doze, clyde, razz, brask, ruzz, mr blint, dru, jaycee, erupt, spel, prize, pizzaz


    etc etc etc etc etc etc .. ALL of these people did EVERYTHING. i agree that people here do not try to get better. too many heads think that a philly hand/wicked is god's gift to graffiti and the reality of it is IT'S NOT. piecing is just as much a part of our graffiti history as it is new york's or any other city with serious graff history. ive been flicking pieces in this city since 1982 so to say philly is all about hands is incorrect. that's essentially a slap in the face to everyone on that list and the many others who put in work in philly over the last three decades. i think a better thing to say would be that piecing is no longer a priority here and that's a shame because alot of us spent many years riding the el with our faces glued to the windows looking at the thousands of rooftop masterpieces, riding R lines, walking the waterfront, etc etc. all that rich history helped make this city famous for graffiti. there's no denying that. respect the craft.



    EXOTICS, WICKEDS, [NOT WICKET], GANGSTER HANDS ETC def set philly apart for sure

    when Nyc writers hit the Broadway #1 line in the 70's they all had philly gangster hands

    courtest of TOPCAT from Philly who brought it up there , they renamed it Broadway Elegant .

    but its all Philly..We did concentrate on tags alot in this town but writers in philly

    did aspire to do NEW YORKERS [in the early 80s thats what we called them].My boy Eder

    took me to see my first NEW YORKER on the R8 tracks in 84 ..it was Dazzle Swan Charm &

    Nick Dream ..that day changed my life way more than Style Wars & Subway Art ..

    Philly had a rich piecing history , and they all had a philly swag to them ..

    It takes time and alot of practice, but i guess there are too many distractions nowadays

    to sit around with a sketch book and do letters over and over again ..i admit , if i had a cell phone and a computer to look at ass all day back in the 80's i might not have wanted to practice drawing either..YOU GOTTA WANT IT , like anything else in life ..

    there are a few guys that i see that are developing some nice styles I wont name people

    in case i leave someone out ..be patient ,apply yourself ,respect the deep philly history and STOP THE VIOLENCE ....

  3. stop talking to that fag....everyone fuckin hates him and dosent care what he has to say. IGNORE HIM


    nice pre....thats all you>??


    yes.... markers, airbrush, watercolors etc

  4. u got my name son! PREONE CRISPO and i dont give a fuck about cops

    knowing shit they're dumber than the cats who argue with you !


  5. this thread is up and down every fucking day

    one day its all pics and the next day its all shit talking and bullshit

    i wouldnt be surprised if its like 10 dudes on here with 10 different screen names

    shit is lame

    and everyone says they dont care who bpb is but everyone keeps addressing him

    and speculating who he/she is , why?

    i wish they could ban talking on these threads pics only

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