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Everything posted by DM!

  1. uhh neuro your not a toy. gtfo recent FUCKING SHITTY Simples god damn :-| i need mucho helpo with my handstyle.
  2. great speech, thanks each, i completely understand what ur sayin. Btw i didnt bite any of the letters in that piece.
  3. thanks for all the feedback fellas.
  4. this one is from about a week ago. Tell me what u think. I know its not simples like im suppose to, but FUCK SIMPLES! jk jk i know they are very important. one day, i will be like , yea simples, kiss my ass, i am betta than u!
  5. thanks for all the feedback man its much appreciated. hows the second one looking? also, my handy sucks fucking balls, i cant do tags for shit. i def need to work on that. THanks.
  6. ow god sivels throws are so nice and neat. like all same height and flow so good :)
  7. Here are my most recent. How can i make em better? thanks.
  8. or they kinda looks like chains, well some of them do...
  9. this page is bangin! amkah sick shit, youve set such standards for yourself, that we should see only your best :) Life WDS. The first ones simplicicy is great. But i like the second one a lot more. prescription rx. dope as hell. i love the letters. but dont forget! make sure to paint their names in "cool letters and make it pretty"
  10. Nvm, E_B_A i wasnt get mad or anytin, its all good. I checked ur stuff out, ur pretty skilled man. back to teh forumness: Mickey the character is sick, although the legs get weird at the bottom- too skinny. The piece is ok. I mean the letters arent all the same size. I reccomend outlineing in a super fine marker or whatever instead of somthing really thick. Overall Good job.
  11. true u make a good point. i like a lot of letters but i hate em somtimes. oh well. ill have to learn to live with em.
  12. thanks for all the feedback guys. six letter words FTW! :D
  13. i will, and i have :D but when i bomb i write DEFI so like, ya...
  14. Sorry for double post. BUMP
  15. I dont think that is color worthy no offence.
  16. Thanks man. I really really like the top one. I know your better than me and all, but i think the throws looks terrible no offence .
  17. Heres a new sketch hope ya like. Please coment on how to improve. Btw it took me like 10 min to decide what type of hole to put in the D and yet i still dont like it. Thanks.
  18. ok thanks. Your a member on pg also right? cept the forum is like dead, i joined this forum a while ago but was really never on, thanks for your feedback, the piece im working on right now i dunno if u will like hopefully u will. oh well. cheers.
  19. How are these? Im pretty new to this site. Hey amkah i remember you :)
  20. i did this horribly but you can read it...
  21. I done this one today. Put a can to let u see da height.
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