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Everything posted by ale_money

  1. is is the best shit ive ever read...
  2. eavir the shit i like it all
  3. im down with nailing herpsters n hogsters all day son!
  4. i highly take offense to this statment seein as i myself am still at typing with 1 knuckle and sometimes just banging my head against the keyboard when i can't find a letter....im gettin to 1 finger tho, i been practicfin
  5. cuz....this the reason people callin you a cop, either you are one... or yer not that fuckin bright. now ima tell you that you got this shit all wrong and completely fucked up , not one thing you said holds any weight. On the real keep peoples business off this thread and off these forums, your askin for touble with this kinda shit. keep it quiet...
  6. Look bud, lol where do i start... Rexx, im really surprised you passed this one up, i thought this would be a gold mine to ya lol. anyways , for real mane, this game aint about this, you should be gettin up for yourself n the people you get down with, yer homies n shit. if ya aint got no peoples fuck it , ya don't need anyone to get over, do you, ya dig. Pushin FTC aint gunna do aything for you and for real how do you know we aint just a buncha assholes that you end up absolutely hating? you don't know us and thanks for the props n all that for real, but if you do your thing you will end up bumpin into people and makin your own conects n shit. This shit don't come over night n we ain't even on the boards as far as reputable crews, this shit takes years of grindin n if you bout it well all know you one day. stay up tho kid , its a grimy world, don't put a target on yer back by makin posts like this, it can get you hemmed up, you go meetin someone who says there me and you end up in the clink with a buncha cops laughin atcha ass, or you meet up with me n sum homies and end up broke, beatin up with no paint,not sayin i would do somthin like that...but it could happen. put in work, be safe, learn the laws, bang when ya gotta bang, don't let anyone take you for a bitch, and don't put trust in anyone you don't know just cause they can throw a handstyle n youll be fine. real talk.
  7. no man, i never met any of them dudes , i thought they quit paintin like 6-7 years ago er sum shit?
  8. grats on the win! from pittsburgh PA
  9. bump onorok, farts and poopbox lol
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