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Everything posted by ale_money

  1. edit* best on wall Smae vesoe mikael cres necs stone yucs worst on wall fred...*pukes on yer moms tits*
  2. best on wall smae vesoe mikael worst on wall ...fred *pukes in mouth*
  3. wow, you niggaz slippin... who let fred on that wall, i was gunna be like " shits dope !!" but then was like "wait ,wait , fred just shit all over the wall...uuugghh" then i puked in my mouth...swallowed that shit n puked into my top t-shirt pocket...thx fred... no for realz yo, bump "my boy mood" lol
  4. pisses me off how easy sovie just bangs out flavor lol...fool always just put shit down mad easy lol, big ups
  5. hell naw fool, that shit scares the shit outta me, opiates are the devil, i aint knockin niggas tho. this is gunna be funny tho, yinz ....lol, this really aint even fair man, for real.
  6. lol yer a fucked up cuz, maaaaaaaaaaaaaad heads fuc with that mail. you think everybody fucin with that shit just be sharin needles n hivin n hepin it up lol, most niggas fuckin round bump it...you know that needle traps fools, i guarantee his ass wouldnt be on these forums fuckin wit you if he was slammin, n if he battled that shit n came out breezy thats a lot more harder to burn than a wall wit your ass lol ,you square cuz the streets is fulla dope fiends n fools in the struggle, its shit out here...just battle n shut the fuck up bout peoples personal problems or vices cuz wait he aint battlin you...yinznat? AMIRITE?you in some trouble son
  7. lol, this shit made me laugh, bump scan,sedat , cres n them old school fiix
  8. its all good i got a pm to him, no need to keep it on the thread
  9. 1. didnt post cause aint gotta flik, good looks tho i got it now, n if you noticed im not the type to come out n "talk shit" on the internet, i just do shit. every post that has "beef" in it that involves me is reactive to someone sqwakin bullshit bout me or my peoples. i dont like this internet beef shit at all. ill hit you up in a pm from now on 2. "yinz couldnt even diss right tryin to cross out spray hands with a deco" this is gettin to me cause i dont no what this shit is but it sounds like your cup of tea, rupt tags all over fillins n pieces, shit just crossed out with no names but 5 feet away a rupt tag in the same shit. 3. point is i took 1 walk and the first thing i saw was you goin over me...then every thing else with an ftc on it, ill hit you up in the PM and elaborate, it dont matter anyways i have like 3 whole shits runnin so just know im on some other shit now , i could give a fuck for real... i aint never been good at no art shit, i luv fillins. 4. them are my homies n it dont take me to "come save the day" to keep shit runnin i been down with em since them dudes came up n they can all handle there own. n if you down to settle shit n get it craccin we can do it,check the Pm 5. stop snitchin, for real, this whole ima beef niggas n drop info in posts by callin fools out on there government names n shit fuckin tellin spots n shit is beat , i got you on the pm we can take care of what we gotta take care of...
  10. i dont even wanna hear that shit, you get at me like shits all cool then the minute i step onto the set the first thing i see is YOU capin my shit and dissin all my homies, well if its on my nigga we ready "i didnt really start paintin untill after you moved but i allways been a fan of sad and fts, ive been wounderin where yinz went for a long time rupt mha" you smash me n lites shit after you hit me up with this shit? and to think i had no idea...i even tried reachin out when yer homie was talkin bout deading the beef, you cap my shit after that? it's all good tho homie, i see whats happnin, i been around the block a few times
  11. it was actually thedopest's post, still dope tho, old shit
  12. smak!!!! i fergot all bout those joints, RICK lol
  13. lotta money flowed outta there lotta graff, that was my favorite spot , that n the bloomfeild joint after
  14. you guys remmeber the 18th street spot.....mmmmmm, the good ole days
  15. i lost so much...i used to have a buncha old 26,evict,raels reke shit all kinda old yung,4zk, mikro,pages n shit but i lost most everything i had, rune hooked me up with a few pages from back in the day , we still got the Espo page from when he was in town in 02 -03 i cant remmeber
  16. holler at me homie...i leave ya butt naked, n like i said fools know me. "I never have". aint part of the equation. i get it how i live the more you say shows you really dun know any of us for real, like i mean i don't think you have ever met us for real. this is just internet hatin through n through. or else you would really just handle it...
  17. Since my last response may have been a bit direct and was removed...Pm me homeboy n we can set somthin up...we here, aint no hiding, aint no anonymous bullshit with me...you see the name, you know who im with and where im at...so get it done and handle your beef, faceless ass nigga...
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