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Everything posted by username0913

  1. you wouldnt happen to have the YAGE next to this would you?
  2. this is what gives black cosplayers a bad name...
  3. jive bringing that heat..nice flicks man...
  4. :lol: thanks for the compliment. Im honoured you take enough time to study my work to form that opinion. Thanks...means a lot to me
  5. love it when people with no style tell others to get some...
  6. if i had half the skill of either of those two...shit. doesnt matter to me...each has their own style, all have contributed to CT graff in a major way, like MAJOR...why does there need to be a "hes better than..."? when it comes down to it, there are things i like about each of them, and things i dont like... however, your opinion is your own, so im not gonna bash you for it. fuck that.
  7. so, at the risk of coming off like a dickrider, ummm, i dont know who or what a TFB is, but I know what a GES is...you should probably stop writing that considering the actual GES ONE has about 15 years on you...just sayin...spotted these on a jaunt, thought id bring it up Mesto SO-AF
  8. ^^someone want to remove that link? Mods, looking in your direction...
  9. ITSALLART, this is for you homie
  10. ^^ yeah seriously. Thats some Giger meets Metropolis type shit.
  11. let me preface this by saying im not talking shit about KWOTE, and neither is the guy im quoting Kwotes style is immediately recognizable now...but the straight letter he threw down a few months back when he first hooked up with c4, was the illest thing id seen him do at that point. The fact that he threw that piece down says a lot, but i would have loved to see that sick straight letter riding next to rels, who's always had a nice straight letter style. either way, RELS, KWOTE, TSI, and everyone else, keep doin you. those BELs...oh wow...those burn anything we're doin right now, and by we, i mean of course me. Step it up i must. YOMAMA, this one's for you OSMOSIS, this is all you homie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5MG1jennQU
  12. oh shit...where the fuck has KES been hiding?
  13. ok so youre telling me that only veterans are out painting right now?
  14. i dont fuck everytime i say fuck either....nor do i shit everytime i say shit. Thats a bad analogy on your part. And yes, I do use proper english all the time, complete with correct grammar. forgive me if i try to sound intelligent, even on an online forum. anyway, heres what i really wanted to say all you young cats that are just starting...if you really want to prove you have some balls, go rack from a store that will prosecute you heavily if you get caught. if street cred is what youre aafter, racking from a family owned business is not the way. Its like bombing your basement and saying youre up, or robbing a five year old at gunpoint to prove youre hard. If you really want to prove that shit, then take a fucking risk...rack from the stores that crush small businesses...in other words, fuck the people that are fucking you...dont steal from the little guy who has to dig into his pocket to pay for product that wasnt sold because you dont have the balls to try that shit at walmart, or home depot or some other big box store with a mutli billionaire ceo. Grow a set. rack from the big block stores. They can afford it.
  15. right, because you were the illest shit ever when you started right? Cats are beginners. Let them grow and improve, like youre trying to. Knock it off, at least until your tag says METHOS, not METHOG. You just got here. Dont fall into the E-thuggery.
  16. Re: 156 All Stars! this is pretty dope....always knew Vader was a gangster
  17. oops...think i forgot one...but only one resume laziness
  18. ESO...hasnt painted in years and i still see his tags everywhere. RAAAAAWWWWKS! WISE!! what a treat...wished he was still around CT... Anyone know who this is? hahaha more of this...gimme 4skor in hartford and finally for now... black or white?
  19. ^^wow really? thats pretty dope man...waaaay dope. love the colours, and the use of technique here. real cool man. keep it up. damn you really are the best...holy shit.
  20. spotted this randomly while driving...dmn near blocked traffic to get this flick. i found this funny. next time youre there man, tell them to make the fucking hot sauce hotter. that "911" shit isnt even a flicker of heat. pretty pretty hand style if only they werent so shiny you could see the GES hand so im assuming this is a crew...someone want to drop some knowledge on me about these guys? i could google, but thats what this is supposed to be for right? the free and open exchange of ideas? sorry i couldnt drop some mind-blowing shit on y'all but im still full from turkey, plus im lazy sooooooo...
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