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Everything posted by stewrock

  1. the name of this thread is almost as good as the flicks. great post.
  2. this is what this thread should consist of.
  3. Re: Slept on Northeaster - DYRECT bump this...prime real estate....
  4. when was the last time you got stopped by the cops and when they asked to search your bag/car you said "no officer,i dont consent to any search without a warrant or probable cause."and the pig responds with "OH.....well ummm youve sure got me there.....i guess i will just leave you alone now.have a good night/day!".....NEVER.the truth is if a cop wants to search you he/she will.where im from even if you dont consent to a search of your automobile they can just call in to the 24hr. court and get a warrant after saying they smelled weed(even if there isnt and never was any ever on or around you or your car.)and TADA!your shit is being searched.cops are not looking out for your best interset or rights.they have a job to keep the existing structures of "law" in place and they are going to do it. the day i see a cop get pinned for side stepping a bit or alot on the procedures will be the day pigs can fly(nevermind i forgot those fuckers have helicopters).
  5. stewrock


    wow how is this thing even open.
  6. god i hope this lasts for longer than a day or two....but south florida will always be south florida..... i admire your courage though inhalin.......the beef that comes with a thread such as this one has proven itself time and time again to be too much...good lookin though for sure.
  7. sooooo sick.just curious,does scar have a website?
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