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Everything posted by rainfall

  1. Okay, usually people use Rusto Oil-based paints and mix it with thinner, or even using One-Shot paint. But I got to wondering, can you use Oil paints used for painting and just super thin it with mineral spirits or maybe even that linseed oil/thinner? This would give me more access to multiple colors for my mops and what-not. I only ask this now instead of trying this cuz I dont feel like making a bike-trip all the way to the other side of town to pick some shit up at Michael's. Much love and all the bs.
  2. rainfall


    Awwwww, how cute.
  3. you can get a harness and emergency carabiner [sp??], just get some type of rope or such so you can walk freely from where the rope is attached to your harness and then attach the other end to the carabiner. if you fall you only fall like 10 feet max, that is if the part you attached the carabiner doesnt snap. all in all, get a harness if you are looking to really climb, otherwise just grow some balls.
  4. skaters making fun of emos...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaa.... how i wish the word/stereotyping of the word "emo" never came into existance, then everyone would still be calling eachother faggots.
  5. rainfall


    these are the best letters, you just need to pick a few from these few canidates... abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  6. You guys need to throw that tv out the fucking window, or atleast rip the cable out and turn it into a test subject for that white out. Seriously, fuck the tv, its bad enough having access to the internet to rot your brain.
  7. yeah, 1shot is great. I remember the old days where I first discovered it, my father was painting images of old covers of a Spiderman and Batman on the windows of a comic shop. Ten years later and those windows still look fresh. Anyways, I need to find a shop with a good selection, yet.
  8. i had a question regarding junobo paint (posted it in drippy mop tags first, but figured it should go here.) Is junobo paint the same concept as colored krinks? Like mixing 1-shot paints with thinner? Because I found some Brilliant Blue and Fire Red 1-shots in my garage, just thinking it was the same idea behind junobo.
  9. rainfall


    hmm, such a disappointment. I thought this thread was about the type of guys we like.... joseph gordon-levitt = HOT ! anyways, bullshit thread. CLOSE..[or make it into GUY-type thread]
  10. ha, that NME bridge roller can be seen from I-80, nice.
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