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Posts posted by DGK404

  1. to be a ghost by popular understanding, it would have to take some sort of physical (viewable) form, or speak, or move things. how does undissipated electricty do that?


    I can see that if no one has hard evidence that isn't easily hoaxed, or dismissed with rational explanations, the belief or attempt to explain ghost is futile. While at the same time I would believe if ghosts/aliens/any other form of life existed, it would easily be possible for them to exist in a state of matter(or transition through stages of matter, that we don't know exist).


    On an side note after googling states of matter, even though wikipedia obviously isn't a credible source, the proposed state of matter "superliquids" show some weird attributes that seem fitting of your typical ghost/alien scenarios(going through seemingly solid surfaces, defying gravity)


  2. She is good lookin'

    Definitely not a look-away-er

    Zombieland made her seem like a wicked hot badass.


    True no one gave a shit about her until Zombieland came out. Everyone in here is obsessed with the fantasy of being one of the last guys on earth stuck with a a fine red head Tomboy who knows how to wield a weapon.


    I'm sure there is research somewhere that proves when a woman is shown holding a weapon her sex appeal to a male audience goes up.


    No Gun Present


    Gun Present


  3. The Bitch who called the cops, Who then called the local news station, which then called CNN and caused a massive over-hyped news story about some kid being stuck in a balloon, who ended up was just chilling in his garage, when in all reality the Bitch just wanted an extra 15 minutes of fame.


    This story seems vaguely familiar.


  4. The shape of her eyes bug me. Still smashable though.


    I was thinking the same thing, something with her forehead and eyes is awkward.


    Notice she dyes her hair dark red, and combs her hair over her forehead. Extremely good looking girl right?



    Wrong She's average on the looks scale. It's all a guise to hide her huge forehead. Which presents itself when her hair isn't blood red, her photo isn't taken at a deceiving angle, and her hair isn't combed over approximately 65% of her forehead.


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