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Everything posted by xlando

  1. xlando


    that happens to my occasionally. have you ever died more than one time in a dream ?
  2. xlando


    yeah i dont like science. shit, good luck..
  3. xlando


    fuuuck, sucks homie. studyin' fr what ?
  4. xlando


    wow thats amazing. no really, i find it really hard to remember half of what i dreamt.
  5. exactomundo ^ yeah some people have this same 'question' & they get all depressed also
  6. xlando


    yall get some good sleep yuh hurd. nightmares/dreams mmmm :D
  7. xlando


    nah, im used to it by now. just gotta dream up some more shit.
  8. xlando


    haha! no rushawn. & yes liquid.
  9. xlando


    Ever wake up from a dream when you didnt want to, and tried to convince yourself you're not awake. ahaah
  10. xlando


    :lol: i dont know i guess we'll have to find out in the next episode of 12oz. thursdays 24/7 pm central. ABC.
  11. xlando


    takes to much time. when i wake up i jsut wnat to fall asleep again & go back into the dream.
  12. haha fuck yeah. in the blue little bags. ranch flavored & shit :lol:
  13. not at all. i dont get sick of it.. very often. there is a certain point though
  14. xlando


    once you figure out its a dream so much better :D its weird how we control it somehow.
  15. xlando


    happened to me too ! except i had a genesis, but then i got one soon.
  16. xlando


    yeah i hate the dreams that feel so real. and then you wake up & realize wtf, i reaally didnt kill 17 people in my underwear.
  17. xlando


    when you do you have a dream do you remember it or forget about it completely when you wake up ? what are some weird ass dreams you've had or shit you've done in your dreams ? i can never remember what i do in my dreams & i rarely have them now. i've gotten the same dream from like years ago its strange. sleep walking/dreaming situations anybody ?
  18. from someone who is calling me a fagmo thats not very insulting at all. ha FAGMO.
  19. very well then. i enjoy talking to someone who puts up a good arguement or says what they believe.
  20. ha yeah. nice arguein'? with you Ghoe.
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