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Posts posted by RHDS

  1. I got tasered once when I was skateboarding at some spot. Cops showed up and I was trying to act all hard yelling at him standing on some foot and half tall ledge. They wouldn't take any of it and decided to tase me. I feel this sudden burning shock and couldn't move it all. It didn't hurt nearly as much as falling off the ledge and landing directly on my head.

  2. I really suggest against getting that game, it's a flaming turd. The minuscule amount of fun you'll have playing it severely outweighs the money you spend getting your hands on it.


    I beat Mass Affect today, twas pretty rad. I'm looking forward to playing through it later and doing more side quests.

  3. I played to seventh level last night on legendary co-op before I went to sleep. It isn't too bad really, just have 3 or 4 people and you should be alright. Live is pretty cool too, I just don't remember it being so easy.

  4. I think places like Best Buy and stuff have a service for transferring your old stuff yonder. It could only be if you buy the elite, but it wouldn't hurt asking.

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