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Everything posted by OH_NO

  1. get a little midget on your arm thats peeing on you, and above it in hella dope graff letters put OWND!
  2. yeah new graff sucks. but its only because sooo many people do it that we all have to try and find our own style, and for some the style they choose is is simple or shitty
  3. lol dude just let him get into it on his own then when he goes and talks to his parents they both know what theyre talking about.
  4. yeah this thread is a joke but somehow stays funny and fresh
  5. piece by piece 10 minutes bedtime stroies aerosol planets 1 aerosol planets 2 benchwarmers 1-5 (i like 3 the best) city space eye candy feel mode friendly fire 1 friendly fire 2 graff core graff core 2000 graff life 1 graff life 2 graffiti is dead graffiti in berlin men in black 1 men in black 2 not guilty 2 out ta bomb 1 out ta bomb 2 quality control 3 rush hour 1 rush hour 2 rush hour 3 sick wit it stolen coats sweet dreams teenagers from uranus just some of my favorites. sorry its so long, its hard to put my finger on one "BEST" graff vid but check some of them out
  6. OH_NO

    what are you??

    this is retarted. why do you care?
  7. montreal, NYC, sydney, SF, and tokyo
  8. (yeah word to main event) back to graff in graffiti a writer always has somewhere to improve to become a better graff artist. wether it be getting up, working on style, getting characters down, ect. it could be anything. most writers will sketch stuff out on paper to see if they like it before it goes on a wall. sketching is something that can be used to get better at all the things i mentioned before. in a hobby like graffiti where a writer only goes out to paint in the middle of the night and only on select nights. that means that you in all of your free time a person can be sketching. the more you sketch the more you progress. sketching and making sure to paint on a regular basis are both very important in graff. you work on your style and your can control. wee thats all i got kids... stay up f00ls
  9. graffiti to me is alot of things, a disstorted view of fame, a large community where one can be either accepted by one group, or hated by another, a hobbie where one always has a goal to reach, and a rush on top of all of that. graffiti is a huge scene. and lots of people do it. but very few people share opinions on it. it all comes down to personal opinion. when you write your name or word or whatever you wanna call it, on that bathroom door at the local gass station then every person who goes in that door then see's that word on they're way out. everytime you hit a freeway shot then every passenger and some drivers who are looking that way see it. everything you do, little handstyles to huge mural peices is seen by some one. and then every person who see's these things now knows that you are out there, they have seen that word. that person "knows that writer" but do they really know the person who writes that word? why is it that we are willing to risk jail to have someone know our "word" yet never know who it is. do we really recieve the fame? or does our word just always live as just a word. (just some things to ponder) in graffiti a big playing part is crew and the people you roll with. and like in all things with crews and seperation comes fighting. crews are always beefing, most of the time its because two guys from two different places didnt like each other so then both crews were called. one might call this a war, in graff most the time a war is never won. it will be fought until one or another gives up. what is it that makes us do this? what if graffiti was just a community. one big crew (that prob sounds lame) then the community would have less things to frown at us about. a person walking down the street see's a tag on a fence. there opinion may differ but he just continues walking. the next week he walks by that same fence and the entire fence is covered in crossed out tags. now the chances of this person looking at this fence and saying that he/she somewhat liked the way it looked is much higher when it was just one ledgible tag. in the end i think that its odd that so many people are joining graff, kids esspecially when you have such a high chance of being hated as a writer from the day you start. graff could be a very big movement with a very big message if we all werent so busy trying to go over someone else's shit. more to come
  10. ^^^^^^you couldnt be more wrong, water will spread the burn and if anything will only delude the etch, if you were to neutralize the acids that areburning you on the other hand then you can wash and scrub your hands until there is no possible way that any of that etch is left
  11. ok, i got caught up for kinda the same thing, hereswhat you do, wait for them to call, go to court, and get you six month probation and 40 hours community service. if not more. then just wait it out and use that time to sketch and work on style.
  12. straight fuck etch bath. heres what you do, throw it away and never look at it again, then go to a hardware and get a dremel bit, start scratching in what you would be etching, your scribe wont bite back, your etch will
  13. when it comes to krylon there are very few good colors but its possible to work with them. flat and ultra flat white and black are fine, alot of people like watermelon (i dont like it personally) alot of there purples are good and alot of greens. but rusto has alot more colors that work just as well. montana and belton can be out of the question for some people but if you can get it then it will always be better. plus german aerosol smells hella bomb :D :lol: :D
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