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o.O Almost Free

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Posts posted by o.O Almost Free

  1. Re: Who's a vegan?


    ive never understood the / no homo thing ne1 wanna xplain? n in terms of vegans the meat is dead if you dont eat it it will rot poor dead animals rotting cant have that



  2. I just got the news that I am supplying a bottle of vodka for the garbage bin punch for the Rotto trip on Friday.

    Should be rather fun if I can get over this fucking flu.


    Orange Juice and Chicken Noodle Soup from safe ways...... oh and Green tea... From an asian super marker..... shit will get you going in no time.....

  3. her whole town?

    you're the fucking grinch

    give back christmas you bastard



    :O! that was ayebee?? you really are a bastard!!!


    p.s Malibu is suprizingly nice.

  4. Gimp hand? Your hand, upon touching etch, will cover itself in leather and chains and take on a slave/master psych and become more sadomasochistic than usual.


    more or less... happen to a mate of mine......true story.

  5. The people who used to live behind me where asian, there was about 15 in a 2 bedroom house. they got kicked out and now we have some russians. they really cant speak english well. but they bring our bins in for us and stuff and don't complain when i have music on to all hours of the night.


    and my neighbour on the left of us is my dealer. which is good, but also sucks because he noes where i live haha.

  6. Run bitch, run! Thats fuckin' sucks. I say always go out in a group. So if shit goes down you have backup if a fight is needed!. I was once caught brown handed. At my boyfriends place!:p



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