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Everything posted by eatyourpaint

  1. looks like freedom times a that there lighting. fancified.
  2. that looks illegal. are you sure you guys got the proper clearance for this?
  3. (((((((((((((((((many more. unbiased flickage too. not just my, "boys"
  4. ctsucks///////////////////////////////////
  5. .....................................................
  6. **************************************8
  7. everyone hates flickin shit round here lesss it's their own or, "boys"....sadnesss
  8. YEAH! Right on point, wish i could of made it today. wish i coulda got flix either way.
  9. Sun comming up soon...why not start early and rock 2 pieces today, or even 3?
  10. sometimes if you flex your muscles too hard, it can make others muscles let loose, and accidents happen.Like pooty in the pants, thus creating your own shit you have to deal with.
  11. " let emdo a "mural" and put it in the local paper, that'll distract em"
  12. be nice if the people who sanctioned walls like this had a say in, "the legislative branch". cause the people "legislating" don't give a shit about kids these days- urban or suburban. just read the papers. music classes cut pay to participate in sports 85 kids to a class...etc etc etc
  13. .....beware "that guy" who said he's going for , "business"
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