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Everything posted by eatyourpaint

  1. dope jimbo. grey is the shit, so many blends.
  2. looks like shit on a stick to me.
  3. HAL= faous conputrive kritiism,
  4. doa irmavachowski piece!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. wow if irm was polish he'd be irmavachowski, i think r,ight?
  6. wow..on the last irm it looks like the M is molesting the R.
  7. we'll if fartknockers stop throwin shit all over the place, especially the guys who are to cool in the graff game to pickup after themselves cause they're shit don't stink.(the ones that get free/cheap beltons and montanas they scatter all over the place). they should put up a gate or park a truck across the entrance after dark. so after dark you have to walk in and get killed without your automobile.
  8. jive ran shit and still runs shit.
  9. it's str8 for me cause this is connecticut..where you can pack firearms legally.
  10. holy shit..VITAL is back?1?!?!?
  11. emit is one of the only reasons i write. except for the fame, idoltary, to b cool, and to b hard graffiti writers are gangster ego ego ego ego yeah and ego.
  12. that shit is no joke!! my hand stopped working on the highway one night, along with my cans...
  13. shit gets buffed fast just like new haven, it isnt like an nyc r big city like that where you got shitloads of writers/"taggers"
  14. looks like a mouse eating a cheese wheel to me.:)
  15. who says abis is from new haven area???????? outsiders know some things but arent told all things, remember that. abis is from kentucky fried chicken 12 erbs n spices everbody knows that sucka.
  16. i remember seein fazer in nb when i was 16 always like the shit..that star character is nice too.
  17. don't know if these already been posted r not..oh well........
  18. those are nasty ass tits that bitch look like she got a beer gut on her too. can't show the face cause of the ashy crack lips though, huh?
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