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Posts posted by cola0793

  1. this will never work, especially with cola talking so much


    also, just put ???authority??? on ignore


    and enigmatic, when you have a letter that's working for you, KEEP THAT LETTER!


    hahah oh fuck:lol:

    freak ill try but it probably wont be wickets since f's and e's look like shit in my wicket style

  2. co-signed, not to be a dick, ive seen you on hte forum for sooooooo long, and not all the most imporvment, doing a philly style doesnt make it good, you got to take some advice more seriously, and i know your a young kid, but theres not really much of a age barrier for this type of stuff:scrambled:


    what advice

    i havent gotten a solid crit in a while..

  3. the first one... not so good... the second one... FUCKIN ONO!!! i think imma make me some right now...



    eh cola.. you should go buy a caligraphy pen. sharpie felt tip is perfect.. just sit and watch tv and write random shit that you hear.. it helps brah.


    thats weird that you said that haha

    im doing that right now

    and yea nachos fucking win

    but i just ate the last one..


  4. brah the internet is bullshit. it gives faceless fuckers a chance to inflate their dicks and egos. imma get good... real fuckin good. you'll see. you'll all see. oh.. and does anyone have flicks of bambu a writer from philly?


    yea hold up a second




  5. so its just hand styles but like stretched out and steezed, that pretty dope. my old handy was like that



    theres about 8 basic styles of philly hands including shorthands tall hands and a lot of different types of wickeds, plus all the original shit based around wickeds people throw up

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