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Posts posted by NFK ZOOLOGIST

  1. b82e589f_90e9_c88b.jpg&t=1


    IF this is a reply on my social status, or how many more dimes ive knocked down than you..... hear this.


    IM LIKE 50 thousand years removed from high school dog.


    I beat better pussy up because it falls in my lap. Not on my lap top. Remember that.


    Respect them fuckin elders

  2. 0ozel.jpg


    Who is this woman? At first I was disappointed I didn't know who this was, but then I realized I don't keep up with babes on the internet. I like to look at girls that are that cute in real life, preferably in my bed while I count stacks.


    I would date this woman if her intelligence matched her fashion sense. She is very forward yet refined. Revealing in some ways while still retaining class.


    I saw a girl who looked just like this girl except with dark hair who worked at a high end designer store(Not anywhere near where you fucks shop at) the other day. I should probably go back there and give her some sex. Thanks for listening.



    yeah. Yhats the funniest shit i read inna minute.

    The way funnier thing about it is i have dogged out finer, way less needy, non socially awkward, refined and re-defined, hipster but not so hipster, broker, but rich in culture, not your run of the mill, lets go get a PBR at the bar where all my boys chill, i thought it a was a sex type thang, a sex type, chicks like that one right there and dropped them for a less classier, bitch who cut her clothes off herself and walked around in public like she was fuckin four.

    • Like 1
  3. WOW!!!!!!!!

    Modern guilts a motherfucker.

    Long live the winter games. BRONZE BRONZE BRONZE.

    Hows about some fucking flicks.

    The Hiatus is back off....



    .....burnt out. hungover. comatose. K holed all a de above.

    Dont mind me. just losing my fucking mind.

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