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Everything posted by vmgravity

  1. Re: motorbikes! this weather is killing me
  2. Re: motorbikes! Some1, It's definitely a more aggressive positioning than my Superhawk. I haven't ridden any other sportbikes so I can't really compare it to anything else. My wrists hurt for the first week or so until I adjusted to it and figured out how to keep my weight off my hands. It's defintely not a sport tourer, but once you hit the curves with it, you'll soon forget all that. Unless all your riding is long straights, in which case you might not be happy with a 600cc class sportbike. -j
  3. Re: motorbikes! Trust me, you won't regret getting this bike. I love mine :) Right now I'm recovering from a fractured hip received while riding it.. some woman pulled out in front of me and I locked up the front, went over the bars and had the bike land on me. I can't wait to get back to riding, hopefully the doctor will let me start putting weight on my leg next week. Ride safe, j
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