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Everything posted by Faza-Crew

  1. yeah fools... thanks for the help, but i talked to a lot of peeps who have gotten caught for graff, and none of em think i'll get drug testing for graff... we'll see though... if i do its the good old: take the clean piss, put it in an emty visine bottle... nut that shit...
  2. fo sho... you can put hella thin paint like silver kryol or some shit in there and it'l work. but ink works best in nyc mops its true...:cool:
  3. fuck yeah. get that shit. you won't be disapointed...
  4. get an ny mop. much better than kiwis, and krinks. shits the real deal.
  5. stains like a fucker who just fucked a mother! damn fool. no joke though, that ink left sick ass ghosts. the only prob with kiwis is that after some tags on rough surfaces it gets all fucked. thats why ill have to agree with the oink mops... krinks are sick too...but if you want somthing easy, and fast and jackable kiwis are the way to go...
  6. i've been bombing the burbs for hella days. easy as fuck to get caught, but easy as fuck to get up too... there are tons of fellow writters were i live, and we all fuckin know each other. hella places to bomb too... creeks, rails, dumps... etc. just gotta fuckin look ya feel?
  7. kiwi mops are the shit. i made sum purple ink for one... dripped like a mothafucka, and stained like one too!!!
  8. Faza-Crew

    my book...

    the last ones kinda sick, but i don't like those arrows coming out of no-where, if you're gonna do that, you need to make hella, so it becomes a sorta wildstyle type shit. also work on your straight letters, and handstyle fo sho! also, good idea not to tag the front of your book just so people cant see wat it is from the cover... by the way... those o's with the x's through them are mostly used for gang graff just so you know...
  9. GRAFFITI IS ART DAMMNIT!!! (Bas 1)----- hella good song... but anyways. sum graff IS art, just vandalism art. just cus its illegal doesn't not make it art. simple handstyles & throwies arn't usually art though, agreed.
  10. ^^^^ thats fuckin genius! fuck starbucks. (dont know if you could move those cans though, they might be bolted down...
  11. fo sho man... thanks the info, and for not hating too much... these 12oz cats are ruthless.
  12. exactly, but they caught me on camera throwing up my crew
  13. yea, true dat, but there was graff there. hella peeps i know, but they all used hoodies and bandanas n shit... i usually role with hella cover up, but not that one day. goddamnit.
  14. fuckin right, i aint no snitch. and i was tagging up at this huge ass wall of an electric facility or some shit near some fuckin rich peeps house. ima dumbass, shoulda known those bastards would have cams.
  15. yea. the thing that prolly will fuck me the most is that i was in a crew, and where i live, the cops are fuckin douches, and are convinced that "crew" meens gang. fuckin dicks
  16. hit up electrical boxes, and hella places near the train tracks... fences and shit ya feel? oh yeah, creeks too if there are any...
  17. good call dude. funk is where it's at. parliament funkedelic foreva!!!
  18. thanks remix... and alex, the cameras were up at the top of these redwood trees so theres no way i coulda seen em...
  19. man fuck you. im just wondering... ey, never gotten caught before so i don't have any idea whats goin to go down. how long does it usually take to get a court date?
  20. i will if i have to... but theres nothin better to do where i live than to write graff and smoke pot... hey, but on a side note, any of you guys have a good idea for a fill for a peice that says "purps"?
  21. thats in canada? sick! oh, by the way, this is the first thing on my criminal record... never been caught for anything else before... :o
  22. thanks guys... any of you know if there's anything that you can say in court that will possibly make the sentence lighter... iv heard if you claim shit like peer pressure made you do it, it works sorta... kinda a bitch move, but is it worth a try?
  23. yeah. but im a minor, so the most i would get is sum mad community service, mad fines, and probation. no time... i'm just wondering if they can include drug testing in a vandalism sentence...
  24. naw fool. i dont smoke crack or any shit:cool: but i aint about to stop smokin weed or stop bombing, so im in a little bit of a prediciment ya feel? but either way you're right... im fucked
  25. thanks, but my dumb ass got caught on cctv taggin enough shit to make it a felony i think...
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