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Everything posted by theprotester

  1. Would you believe? Seems a LOT of them are in Melbourne? :D
  2. Thanks for the heads up, I'm not doing much train riding, but what I am is purely for spotting!
  3. I noticed that today, I got some nice flicks of K*dos, K*oe, even some of K*lm. That's just on a couple streets. F1 and Revok bombs are probably the ABSOLUTE highlight! Looking forward to flicking them myself tomorrow.
  4. Saw the nas, but I was in a damn hurry. In Melbourne now so no more flicks till I get back.
  5. How an A*****7 can get dissed like this is beyond me.
  6. I'm catching a sandwich, will upload the rest later.
  7. More to come, sorry about order - photobucket is being a pain this morning.
  8. As promised; nothing new, but nothing stolen.
  9. Fair call. I was just trying to motivate some of you to upload some photos.
  10. Fucking flicks. Come on. I will be putting in some spotting on Monday. Probably just the fresh line though. Is Perth really this bad nowadays? Serious?
  11. Haha, that's fucking gold. Wonder how they deal with an FSK scratchie?
  12. You said it, but I see nothing.
  13. Any link on the protest? The top j***a is pretty clean.
  14. For those under 18s, check into ABC local radio in the next few minutes for a story and banter about not selling markers/cans to minors. Send it further underground. God damn. Perth is one of the few places in the world that I really think the buff is winning. Nuts up cobbers.
  15. bump for flicks. I should be back home for a couple days next week. Will definitely snap some flicks.
  16. MKA, AM in this thread are Perth, Australia. Sure as as the sun there has been a fair bit of AM work put in in Melbourne. Heck, how much FDP work is up in Melbourne? Not sure where you are going with the coughing.
  17. Yer mate, and I hate people that have 50k first cars bought by Daddy, but I wouldn't knock it back if in the same shoes. I hear what you're saying but the streets will never be filled with quality work, everyone starts out as a complete toy - and toy shit looks bad - no matter what walk of life you're in. Be in Melburn last week of this month and really looking forward to it. Fucking sucks I fly out on the 30th.
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