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Southern Smite

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Posts posted by Southern Smite

  1. fucking shit...some dude just came out of nowhere at the last second and crushed me. that sucks serious balls.


    ill keep my fingers crossed that he cant come up with the money.


    You totally blew it. Having a bid war with someone is just driving the price way up and annoying the guy that's watching it until he bids in the last 30 seconds and wins. Next time you be that guy.

  2. If I want to listen to some shit about how a bunch of dudes traveled the dark unforgiving seas battling ogres to find some magical amulet I want to hear it from some ill norseman dude from 1000 years ago, not some asshole that likes to wear armor and a cape while swinging an axe around. And they didn't have electric guitars back then so yeah

  3. I don't watch football but my gurl waited on Reggie Williams today. Apparently he was real fucked up and this was in the early afternoon. I don't think half of these guys train at all, just drink alize and wear sunglasses

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