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Beef Doctor

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Everything posted by Beef Doctor

  1. you got the first part right, the abundance of toys is fucking unbelieveable, however there are still those who constantly produce some good pieces, whats insulting is how shit cunts who should still be practicing in sketch books have 50 pieces down the lines and are ruining panel spots for others... greenline is a perfect example, it used to be a refreshing sight along greenline 10 yrs ago, the lines where colourful and the panels were rocking... cityrail should provide spew buckets on trains these days...
  2. maybe so, but these days brissy makes sydney look real ordinary, a skid mark stained public toilet looks better then the shit being regurgitated around the sydney traps lately, the only cunts doing decent shit is the people arriving on qantas planes venturing over for a holiday... i can only cringe at the though of what would have been done if sydney were to get flooded and our rail network brought to a hault... id loose 10 kgs just from vommitting from the vile filth that would have been rolling around once it subsided.:D :D :D
  3. my idol is fatel, that kents got shiet on lockdown with that funky style, sydney needs more fatels on the a-sap....without fatel we would just be another shitty city.... fatel, will you piece my blackbook, please led?????????????? on a serious note, if anyone sees fatel, please shank him in the eye socket...that is all.
  4. time to pack up the house and go elsewhere, sydneys fucked... too many toys out here... munga needs to come to town with his commentary team and beat down a few adlays...
  6. hopefully that will be the last fatel for good... no wonder the public hates graff... cunts would need spew bags walking past that crap....
  7. there good, theres no doubting that, but two of sydneys most talented and skilled????? i think you need to get out more often.
  8. face the facts, sitting round on this site continually complaining about them isnt going to stop them from painting. if ya dont like it/them pull out the old easton slugger and start bustin knee caps. SIMPLE. at the moment, all there shit must be getting posted cause there continually out doing it, not logged onto a graff forum making comments, ya dig.
  9. i feel sorry for the people that used to get VHS up... must be a shit feeling to see where the crews at now....
  10. stomping cunts has nothing to do with insecurity, it also has nothing to do with how you see yourself compared to others, its called taking care of business, a cunt steps outta line, you bring him down to earth.... too much bitching about what sydney "should" be like, well, fuck it, clearly its never gunna happen so deal with whats infront of you. theres plenty of people still out there flogging shit.. VICE kgb is a perfect example, everywhere you go hes got shit up. when it comes to trains we only have chat cunts who jump in and get chased straight back out, doing your homework and sussing shit out is a thing of the past, these days you get 10 of your "baddest" homies together and run at it like you dont give a fuck about consequences,albeit at the same time fucking it up for the cunts that can pull half hour in the same spot.
  11. probably an impersanation of goldberg on a stakeout, all thats needed is a penis drawn in the direction of the eye and you will have a splitting image.
  12. ^^^^ check out the fag in the light blue shirt throwing his tatts out there like a sick cunt... someone needs to shank him.:huh:
  13. the scene is full of cock riders, fuck association, fuck sucking others cocks for friendship and panel spots, il be getting my crocodile dundee shank out and goin it on my own.
  14. you wouldnt happen to be the sener from sydney australia would you?
  15. i think its pretty safe to say.. if that peice was done by some new cunt on the scene instead of someone in drs the poor prick would cop pages of abuse for biting, being a toy etc.
  16. maybe your the one that needs to get a life ay cause your just presuming all these dudes are mates of mine posting to back me up, to be honest with you, i wouldnt have a clue who they are.. but you can think what you want... its not me looking like the fool.:lol:
  17. hahahaha mate i wouldnt have a clue who cocknose is... thats the truth too!!!!!! do you? do you really know who i am? personally or you just know of me??
  18. correct yourself there mate, he cops alotta hate from alotta different people.. im not the only one... also i dont need a life, the one i have now suits me perfect.. thanks for caring but.:p
  19. heres an answer for you, have you ever talked to rinks?? do you even know what the cunts like??? its amazing how one person can think they are so great at graffiti, when in reality hes nothing but a worthless toy, for how good that fat fuck thinks he is, he should be producing a hell lot better then what he actually does..... in his own little world hes a king, hes got no respect for anyone other then the people he sucks off... if it wasnt for the likes of a few people, hed be a nobody... not only that, hes quick to throw out the net warrior diss to anyone who sits on a computer, when in reality hes exactly the same... he sits on his computer talking shit to young cunts thinking hes some kind of sick cunt... not only that he thinks hes something thats not to be messed with, YEAH FUCKING RIGHT!!!!!!! hes a fucking joke, nothing more nothing less... i seem to remember him hating on some cunt for writing jinks, cause it was so close to his tag, whats the go there? he might aswell be writing renks?????? he pisses people off, makes them hate him, cause he thinks hes something hes actually not.. is this enough of an explanation for you or what? i aint the only one that thinks this, ask around, most people hate this fat cunt... also while were on the subject of shit cunts, can anyone please give me an explanation on how the hell, or for what reason kenos was put in psk????? hes a fucking shit cunt and his peices are whack as fuck.... makes that crew look bad,anyone else agree?
  20. im over all these dboc cunts to tell you the truth, the only decent ones being rival and mkae... i dont know what it is that more well known writers see in rinks, or the reason they decide to include him in shit, if only they knew how much he threw there names around like hes some high rollin cunt they might think a little different... if theres one writer thats most hated in sydney, its him hands down, and i think if it wasnt for h2oe mkae and rivals, that crew would have been finished a long time ago.... no love for cock suckers, thats pretty much all rinks is..
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