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Everything posted by bizack

  1. bump them jordans..alll yall lil "niggas" gettin coal n yo stockin
  2. lavar burton one bit that hand from rcade
  3. behold massa entaprise da onlys thang greata dan yo self... deez googles
  4. you dont really booze that hard homie...get at me
  5. i like the inner outline..so gangster
  6. the snow is coming ...all you lil snitches
  7. we been hangin on to this page for a minute
  8. anywho....most yall dudes wack as shit..i respect rebar and live for doing it...richmomd i mean... bump tone aswell..new dudes im seeing up at least
  9. you really cant hate on cro...looks like hes gettin his rep pretty good...my 2 cents...
  10. bump wyse...and harsh is sooo retarted
  11. that outline was awesome..so was the execution..haters wanna hate..lovers wanna love.. i wanna piss on you...drip drip drip..piss piss piss..
  12. the system is wack...that shits deep
  13. that tone throw reminds me of toast and vital put together..although im sure he or she has never heard of either...i like it
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