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Posts posted by funboy69

  1. a scary amount of people on here are operating


    on an extremely high level of naivety on how politics


    and washington 'work'. if you spout off faux news talking


    points you're gullible at best. most dems, not all but most, have


    already been bought and sold. republicans lost the right to


    be called 'conservative' a long time ago.

  2. Waking up in the morning? that's your argument against dropping out?

    what about when all his friends are in their third year of school not making

    a goddamn thing, and he's three years into a trade gettin' motherfuckin'

    paid...dude could be driving what he wants, and on his way to owning some

    property while his friends are still in school.

  3. you're sister called the cops on you?did you smack around after they left?did your

    parents disown her? cause that's exactly what would have happened if my sister

    did some shit like that...

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