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  1. Straight up. A lot of people here are really sick monkey me monkey do type mentallity
  2. Columbus called the people In Dios, which means in god. That's why Native Americans are called Indians. Didn't you know that India was known as Hindustan at that time? Lord Casek: Native Americans coming from Asia a a big lie. The evidence for that theory is bullshit. If you really want to get into it I challange you to provide evidence that this is true. Show me the proof that American languages are derived from Asian languages. Frate Raper: Got anything intelligent to ad to this thread? I see you haven't progressed in the five years since you and I last had words about native shit. To refresh you, the thread was on religion, I said I didn't have a religion because my parents went to residential school and the tradition of passing on our culture was severed through the genocide that occured in the residential schools. The schools brainwashed the students into forgetting about their culture. And you replied saying that I was copping out and that I was talking bullshit and that I shouldn't use that as an excuse. You also brought up how you have native friends, well do you talk like that, saying you hate indians and that they should all be killed, around them? If they accept your actions as just a funny joke, please tell them to get in touch with me, I want to ask them what is wrong with them.
  3. The estimate of Native Americans pre-1500 is actually quite low. On Vancouver Island there were over a million people when Captain Cook and Vancouver sailed there, that was after some of the population was taken out by disease. But it is pretty disgusting that you would write what you did. I realize it is socially acceptable, and well encouraged, for people on 12oz to act out in all sorts of shock-behavior. But you shouldn't feel that you have the right to make jokes about genocide and to compare the value of human life to an animal. What's the matter man? Doesn't ever make you feel sad that you have been trained to think in such grotesque ways? Thanksgiving is about giving thanks to our mother earth and the creator for all the plants and animals that are sustaining us for another year. :) Speaking as a Native American I do forgive, because if we do not forgive others how can we expect god to forgive us. Anyway man, please don't joke like that anymore it is quite offensive, thanks.
  4. dissemination


    I didn't realize that riding bikes was all about getting props from those in a high caste as opposed to a low caste. Might as well advise him to buy a sports car, at least then he'd have women sweating him.
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