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krime watch 100's

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Everything posted by krime watch 100's

  1. He said thoes worms used to be weak sauce or some shit...what a dumbass...you need a smack for that one..I'm white and this dude is makes us look dorky and weak....fuck sake...south side bitch.
  2. Orfn and Noble....where have I seen these names before in Chi? fail
  3. Dude, that shit just broke my weenis....
  4. Fuck the whole Miami team with a splintered broomstick.....Rebel Ballers
  5. More evidence TORk should start off from scratch...TorK my Balls Niggah. Tork me tender. Tork my loin..Tork your GirL and your MoMs. hey bro, I just torked my cock..@ much friction..
  6. I would go back in time to the mid to late 60's. I would like to meet CORNBREAD and slit his fucking throat. That way graffiti would have never ruined my life........Slit all thoes early vets throats.
  7. Hop Juice Dubble IPA...Made near Chicago....Best IPA on the market
  8. Just give officer McDinglebery a sweaty reach around...no mouth
  9. Damn Son, Dun Dunnie, Deuce Biggalo got money
  10. Only in the burbs ...where you see dicks gettn drawn, and "fuck niggers" scrawled on walls...all the time
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