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  1. RIP to those departed. Does anyone have any more information on who it was? Apparently two other writers were detained on the scene, which crew was involved? If anyone has any photos of their works or further information http://www.london-ink.co.uk would be very interested in hearing from you.
  2. thanks for the tip off on HQ, gonna have to make some trips south of the river sometime soon. i'll give some of that grog ting a whirl too. Printing ink should work in a marker... Most printing inks are designed to be blasted outta tiny nozzles (inkjet printers etc) and so will flow outta a nib pretty easily...infact the problem you may find is it comes out too much and you get drips...which ain't always a bad thing. But then just add something to thicken it up a little - this thread has loads of examples of shit to add to ink to thicken it a little. Although printing ink is likely to stick to fuck all but paper. good luck man.
  3. Easy people, Firstly, this thread has been nang, packed full of marker know-how. Anyway, here's my question, and this might sound fucking retarded so i apologise in advance. I've been muckin about mixing my own inks for the past month or so, but they won't stick to metal or anyfin glossy. I ain't been using water based ink (i'm fairly sure it ain't coz my hands are a multi array of colours at the moment no matter how much i scrub em!!), is there anything I can add to my ink potion which will improve it's ability to stay on a fucking wall!? Or anything to make the ink a little thicker? I've been using printing pigments to get tones etc, but obviously i'm missing some magic X ingredient. Y'all mention using brake fluid and xylene in your recipies, i'm guessing these chemicals have something to do with rate at which the ink dries and therefore sticks to a wall? And while i'm at it, if anyone knows any decent graff stores in London - aside from four star in camden, it'd be appreciated.
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