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Everything posted by Stop_Snitching!

  1. I wouldn't, not in that area............they got it stained! On to the next 1
  2. damn sounds like they were both bombing around the same time.... that is crazy.
  3. Good graff convo going on and you had to get on some kiddie shit never fails....... Poem and Vote all day, good look dwel! Beast? Gs? never heard of him...........BEAST MODE AKA Killing shit is what i meant.
  4. Yeah had. I dont see them bombing that much TOGETHER anymore....
  5. Kon and Temp definitely had there moment Seise and Wine?
  6. Funny chicago is segregated and racially biased even in the graff game. Bisel was a beast! Never talked about..........that dude was all-city decades ago and was a thorough bomber!!! Him and prism made a great bombing combo Fuckin Track and Kiser! what about Avon2 and Dable? You niggas need to broaden your perspectives........ a lot of good cats get slept on..... AND HELL YEAH IM PULLING THE RACE CARD!!!!!!!
  7. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^PICK A SIDE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  8. understood. but hold up dek=deko skep=skeptic widddowwww...................
  9. are you sure??? didnt think ohde or his handstyle was from chitown maybe im wrong :confused:
  10. Post some gram, noteef, big L! that shit is err where. no you photographers cant miss it
  11. all the graff up and niggas still posting the same ol shit......... im tired of seeing all you commercial ass niggas! post that street shit!
  12. someone go flicks the streets, and not just people you jock
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