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Everything posted by Stop_Snitching!

  1. Aeve for President!!! And fuck all the YAG talk on here Go paint!
  2. Bump the Kdubbers.....keeping the streets laced up
  3. As in Conservative VL? I believe so.
  4. Wasn't L.T's fault the pimp tried to sell him some un-riped goods! AND dude was mad that bitch was shopping for him in Old Navy or he just wasn't digging the Old Navy summer collection!
  5. this shit is wild! http://allhiphop.com/stories/news/archive/2010/04/20/22177912.aspx Looks like some shit solar wrote
  6. On deck? That shit batted clean-up.......Grand Slam status. Heard my D is running round town with a perpetrating owner. Report that shit stolen.
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