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Posts posted by scribe_df

  1. That snake can when it was down by the Paseo was one of the things that pushed me harder on characters. I used to walk down after class in college to look at the techniques down there.

    Many good memories under those bridges...including getting chased out by a mexican gang waving guns while I swung a machete around to hold them back until i got to the gas station under the light...haha...I went there at night after someone called me and told me all your pieces had been dissed down there...I was stupid. The proof of the stupidity is in that photo c- rebel posted! lol

  2. odd the ohio wall from last year didnt make the cut... CUT...


    It wasn't about productions...it was about how a bunch of them tied together into the last Hamster wall we did. All the small photos show how we pulled other ideas from other stories.


    One of my favorite walls of all time that Sub and I did with them digging isn't on there either. It didn't tie in.

  3. haahaha those fucking copy cats got called out on an innocent mistake even... its a shame east and scribe are too nice to put them in their place once and for all...


    They are nice guys and there are other things to worry about than graf. Those guys have been nothing but respectful.

  4. ^^^ Checkout my Guido look! lol! This piece was drawn while I was in "jail", "rehab", the "hospital"... whatever ya wanna call it. Thus the TCK crew, The Crazy King- East (long story)! I painted this bridge in KC shortly after having moved there & that bridge is now torn down. :(


    I saw so many trucks get stuck under that bridge and they would have to let the air out of the tires and pull them out...good piece.

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