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Posts posted by scribe_df

  1. I know some people mixed black house paint with india ink



    Or others I know have used inks like Krink with the housepaint...thinner ink gives it more flow and the color of the thinner is super black. Not sure if that is what he did? I think you can see one of those roller ball fill up pens in his hand..regarless of it being projected...super hard to hake those kind of fluid lines on that scale.

  2. New pieces look great guys-


    Sorry not wall related but a good cause-




    Hey folks. I have a print up for sale at PosterCause. Awesome price and quality and all the money goes to Doctors Without Borders for the Haiti Relief Efforts.

    Turn your gift to the cause for Haiti into a gift for a friend or loved one...double dose of good things.

  3. That piece is just awesome East. I like seeing some of the fills you guys have been doing again.


    That print is for this project.

    Some time this or next week I have a poster going up at this place. All of the money goes to "Doctors without borders" for Haiti relief effort. This is a great way to help a worthy cause and walk away with a quality limited edition print.

    I'll post a link when it goes up for sale if anyone is interested.

    Dalek has a great print going up on Feb. 1st.


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