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Posts posted by downsouthjnkin

  1. or mart or mark or like mach4 or some shit i mean just cause you dont want to bite someone elses name doesnt mean you gotta completely change it up you can add letters on the end....i guess what im saying is if you have become competent at writing certain letter try to incorperate them into your new name

  2. ^^Speaking only for myself...

    Shut the fuck up. If you aren't going to post flix or SAY SOME RIDICULOUS SHIT THAT BOGGLES THE MIND AS TO HOW THE HELL YOU CAME UP WITH IT, you should just sit back and watch. It was your absurd requests and comments earlier in the week that sketched people out of posting flix. I still believe that you are not what you claim to be either. You have no place to request or command anyone to "keep it goin."


    bump thebumpmaker!




    (richmond gonna need some aloe for that one)

  3. I never said wwc was bad,i had mad respect for them they had this cool roller by 7-11 and off 95 but i never got a pic,and i agree with the kid that said flix only instead of booking i actully like to see stuff since im stuck in chesterfield alot.I hate cops too,you know since i am one


    i heard that they eat their young and then make necklaces out of the bones :eek:

  4. and whats with the sudden interest in crew meanings..... right after wwc got fucked over you come on here asking all these bullshit questions.... come on



    and wow you saw some gunner and bzee... in richmond of all places?!?!?!? you MUST be a real writer

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