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Posts posted by demerock

  1. I love how in your explanation of how you weren't dissing IZ THE WIZ, you dissed DEMER. Demer needs to be a better role model? Really? You're a tool. The only time you should EVER wear a respirator is when you're piecing and you're gunna be sitting in those fumes for 3 hours (more if you're in VS and you have to floss hardbody...lmao)


    i appreciate the look out..but this kid couldt diss me if i taught him how...ROLE MODEL??i am not a role model...im a graff writer..u want a rold model...look @ yur parents

    anytime i see my mentor...teacher 's name even being mentioned wrong im gonna jump in..mike was a teacher..a TRUE KING AND LEGEND..nad one that didint have to announce himself as such..when you are a true legend and king..its not because you call YOURSELF that..its when OTHERS do...

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