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Posts posted by demerock

  1. yes im the ultimate troll....actually im just tired of seeing u post the same shit, over and over again. i didnt even hate on ur shit....all i said was the king of self promo. i couldnt care less about what you do. im just tired of seeing the same shit. jerk yourself off some more man....as for being a hipster behind a key board....i see your name in here every single time i come one, so im guessing your sitting behind your computer, jerking it to old pictures of your throw ups...prob eating cheese doodles and drinking cream soda. nigger shit. take a walk or something man. maybe a jog.


    yawnnnnn..again...talkin about me..mission accomplished for ANOTHER day....:lol: yeah..i was sitting behind my computer whilre i was painting...AGAIN...would LOVE to seeif you would talk trash in person..prob not..ok..gonna go paint some more now....


    byw bye....:lol:

  2. yessir.,..everyday!shuttttty...lol

    when will u learn..that this is all self promo.we write our name on stuff..over..n over.n over...well.wait..some of us do..u obviously troll web sites to see what person u can rundown.,..or kiss ass 2......while i get free paint.sponsorships..paint n travel all over the world..u type on a computer..another hipster upset that the game he cant succeed in is rollin along...

    hate me..as much as u want..but u know who i am..u said my name..mission accomplished for today...

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