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Posts posted by demerock

  1. sme of oyu may or may not have heard of james top..he is an original,old skool graff writer..an inspiration to many..including myself..a couple of weeks ago..james asked me to come out and paint a club in harlem...gentrifried rolled along and some pure gold was recorded...check it out here:



    check out gents other videos on youtube...

  2. and if ya loved that...check this out....

    St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2 "Hit the deck" In search of 50 artists for 2nd art show. Each artist will be provided with 2 skateboards to paint. One will be actioned for charity and the 2nd will be left on permanent display. The top 16 artists will be asked to paint walls and be considered for a reality show under development.Pls send all submissions and requests to snowqm8@gmail.com or gardesk8@me.com or sueworks@gmail.com or graffiticomix@gmail.com

    thank you

  3. looook at u sooo mad....I LOVE THIS SHIT..fuckin hilarious...if ya told me whay u write..and came at me sorrect..i wouldnt have said shit to ya..cause i could respect that...but it seems u use alot of gay references in your rantings.so it make me wonder..but anyway....MY GIANTS WONT TODAY...I PAINTED..I MADE U MAD...ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD...

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