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Posts posted by 40ozproffit

  1. internet cafes are a place where you can gamble or "redeem for a prize". basically you do have some people using the internet but most are spending their money to play certain games similar to reel games, keno or card games that are programed into the computer/pot of golds. you don't have someone spending $300 in one day to use the internet.... these places definitely can have some money in them on certain nights. i have worked at one before and we kept the door locked and a taser behind the counter. these places do get robbed more then you would think.

  2. i often wonder how do people out of state have more pictures posted on forums in this state then those who do work in this state or put work in this state... and i mean no disrepect everyone do their thing but im jus saying theirs people doing their thing not getting any regard out here... social scene?? like i said no disrespect anyone doing their thing had my props but dick riders.. balls have been busted...sleazeslide where u at with random picssss

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