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Posts posted by 40ozproffit

  1. So whats some fun sober things to do? Any ideas I'm trying to cut my drinking down a decent amount after moving 2000 miles from home and getting arrested for tagging and now an aggravated dwi within a month and a half. I don't even have the money for a lawyer or to pay all this off plus i found out the day I got out I got a job now I don't know what to tell them. But shoot me a pm with any advice on how to fall asleep, keep my mind off drinking or even be around people drinking. The few people I know out here all drink and I don't wanna sit around watching netflix all day. I do draw and stuff but any other ideas that are kinda out there I might enjoy. Or any advice really i know i gotta take classes and all that, community service, fines and whatever else. Btw I got my dwi at 10 am blew a .28 from the night before.. thanks

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