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Posts posted by daniprovolone

  1. i put a piece up on the street in broad day light, just act like your not doing anything wrong and it usually works, i had a meter maid come up to me and complement what i was doing. not to mention two cops watched me roll the wall out.


    hows your foot guy...you mobile yet??

  2. Clarification: From what I have seen on this thread, which is labelled Connecticut, and therefore I get the impression that this is a representation of that WHOLE state. And from what I have seen, I really don't like it. Just a man with his opinion. It all just seems very bland and generic.


    are you blind?

  3. some shit someone sent me...




    this looks like a boston freight like dudes used there letters or something....i see a mise hand at a glance this looks like circle t doods...... spek...arsen....regs

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