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Posts posted by daniprovolone

  1. haaaa. Repend or Repent. Do your thang bro, Shit is real! You'll find you wont get too far doin dumb shit like that. Next time you bring it proper and burn it. Fuckin TOy. Get back in your sandbox.


    pretty sure that dude repent would not hesitate to stab you

  2. I was exploring yesterday, looking for spots around where i live and i was walking down ******** when i came across an underpass to see this fucking mind blowing, insane Reo father's day peice. I must of sat there for an hour and a half starring at it. Abis, eyesore and some other guys had some shit down there but nothing to recent...my point being, Reo is just fucking to nasty. Characters and letters. If anyone wants to flick some stuff down there pm me and ill go into more detail


    thats just silly...y you say that on here.. how bout "has anyone seen that reo fathers day piece, its dope.."

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