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Everything posted by Mzr

  1. lapin seer oder fume sicks vision ser on the white austria tentcar hope to see more soon :)
  2. a model from one of the smallest countries in Europe (Luxembourg), lucky bastards :)
  3. More @ the end of this week, got 3 weeks vacation and some time to bench...
  4. a few from yesterday, 3 hours of spotting...
  5. Not much, but it's something... Love that Je (B.A.), thats something I don't see every day...
  6. Done for now, will be back soon...
  7. Well, here it is! I'll try to do some spotting here and then and I will put my pictures here. Mostly spotted in Belgium. Euhm, here we go... Wait till I'm done with my first contribution, +40 I think...
  8. They still don't buff things up here, only private cars from vtg and other company's (mostly tankers). The thing you got with tiltcars is if they are damaged they replace the whole tent... and with others they only buff numbers... They don't give a shit about freights up here I think, I know a guy cought by the cops and they tell him ''leave'' and ''don't come back up here''... more people start painting these thing up here... so hove to spot more in the future
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