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freight sex predator

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Posts posted by freight sex predator

  1. Youre right the fre8s are gettin crowded,so kids are adapting by going huge. then you got people that are doin nothin but whole cars.my phylosophy is if you go over them make sure you burn them.these kids will learn quality is what counts one way or anther. and one day it will b the difference between your shit running or not.

  2. You know what? I'm 100% against marriage,and have been married for 7 years.divorce is expensive.ive learned its better to be a man-hore(for guys)and girls you dont need no man up under you messin stuff up.

  3. ya but JA has dissed a countless number of writers,( toy and kings).And it sux that people did hours and years worth of work, and ja dissed it in like five minutes.Him and people like Cap MPC make it acceptable to catch fame by going over people.They used to say back in the day that you're not up until JA disses you.

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