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Melbs Scum

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Posts posted by Melbs Scum

  1. can anyone help my out on some markers that are good for sketching with, preferably cheaper than prismas... maybe something you dont have to order online? i have some crayola washable markers at the moment and theyre fucking horrible.

  2. can any1 knowledgeable in the art of graffiti give me some feedback porfavor and ill return the favor to others.


    whoa. you have gotten wayy better since last time you posted your shit... so props on that.

  3. melbs, your from boston?


    Nah lad. Im from Australia :p Prob a stupid question but most of those word rules (other writers having your name etc) do apply overseas right? No one rights Rise in my city and im slowly falling in love with it....

  4. i wasn't exactly being a smart ass file. i am also another rise in the toy thread as you can see. new sketch yo. critz critz critz, i like this one a lot.


    critz anyone? im looking at you youngone hehe.

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