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Melbs Scum

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Posts posted by Melbs Scum

  1. ok i can do that... but is there any tips out there for getting better handstyles... like should i try to build off of a font or something???


    yep. start doing simple block letters, pretty much like a basic computer font like arial at size 48. once you get that down start copying cerial boxes and shit that uses straight letters but sort of tweaks them. do this till you can whip out a straight letter easy as hell. go to the handstyle thread for tips with that.


  2. crits?


    yo. i like it but im really not feeling the colours. the whole squares thing makes it weird if you ask me. blend the colours more and do something else about where you place them. other then that i reckon its pretty fresh. but then again what would i know...

  3. i just thought you should have maybe progressed a little...


    edit - and i think you need to work on the "r" a lot.


    i am well aware that the R needs work as an experienced writer youngone pointed it out to me straight away. and how do you know i havent progressed or havent been working on other shit? last time i checked you posted some pretty wack stuff (no offence) so please stop acting like you know what your talking about. next time dont bother



  4. honestly, everything youve posted has looked the same to me. i mean, im not comparing them back to back, but in my memory, they all look extremely simple. its not to bad though.


    theyre the same sketch. ive been working on that same one for like a month and a bit. that one had a new E. my aim was never to change a whole lot

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