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Melbs Scum

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Everything posted by Melbs Scum

  1. critz and all the normal shit. the latest one is my first attempt at a Y
  2. got a coulpe of sketches i was finally able to get scanned (i dont have a scanner of my own). ill post them from oldest to newest.
  3. skools so wack. i remember i failed my yr 10 biology. word up
  4. ill just post this coz i cant put any of my sketches up atm. critz
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. i even make myself gag sometimes!
  6. dont work on joining your letters YET. you still need to get the preportions of your letters down. work on getting the bars of your letters the same length except when its not necessary. thats why i think u fucked the E, the top is all thin and extended when it should look the same as your other letters... work on fixing that shit up first.
  7. word that E is a little strange. it would look alright if the middle part was thinner, it sort of reminds me of a frogs gullet :P but the rest is fresh good work.
  8. thats so ill man i didnt know you could do fresh characters and shit. good work.
  9. take that gay shit inside the letters out as well. what is that?
  10. youre gonna regret putting that shit on the front of your sketch book in about six months
  11. the last r looks kinda gay now that i think about it.
  12. the grayled sketch on the first pic is finished and coloured and it came out basically the same as the second sketch which i did freehand fukn around in school. its coloured in a highlighter. i tried to go a bit techer, dunno if it was a good idea. someone tell me CRITZ.
  13. thnx bro im posting something new soon, its at my friends waiting to be scanned, i think i sort of fixed the stubly problem. peace.
  14. shits sort of old coz i havent been able to post anything in a while. i have more i will post soon! fucked up the 3d. critz
  15. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  16. bouncing soul that mase sketch is straight up gangster! but that skekt thing was sort of wack. make it flow etc etc and it will look sick. peace
  17. Anyway, two new handies for my new name swet2... Dunno which one is better if you ask me it sorta looks like swat. no hate. the second one that is
  18. ok you cant see shit but im posting this anyway
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