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Everything posted by bouncingsoul

  1. Stuff from yesterday when 12oz was down... Aaaaand one from today
  2. Woop The "knowledge kills" got covered up by the "contact"
  3. "no love city!" for a deck design And this thing
  4. Haha, that "top extension" is another L Shouldn't have added them arms..
  5. "bella is a" Going to add "beast" at the bottom
  6. Earl broclo, I think you're my new favorite member I should try one of them paper bag thingamabobbers sometime. Sick stuff. Love the deck too, especially because I skate and I'd definitely ride that... Aaaaanyway Bland and boring guy I drew today. I was supposed to put pajamas on him but I got lazy and decided not to...
  7. Thankfully, I racked some nice Prismas and got some sick colors as well as a blender (I think I might have taken 2 on accident) so yeah... I might actually color something for once! Well, there's this one armed girl in my Spanish class and this is what I always think of whenever I see her... Yeah, I think I'm fucked up in the head.. "look ma, no hands, i cutted thems off" "culture"
  8. Hell, everyone else is posting their throws. Why not? Ignore the dropshadow, it was halfassed because I'm lazy :edit: Says "kne"
  9. Aaaanyway here's a gay pencil sketch because I lost my pen in 3rd period
  10. "Plague" sketch for a free deck. I hope I get it!
  11. Haven't posted on here in a while... My letters have been sucking mad ass lately. So I decided to try some new ones... Voila!
  12. Hahaha Haven't done letters in a while, let alone a "knews" sketch so... Still working on it
  13. I'ma draw a Neo nazi-ist on the other side hahaha
  14. Shoot skipper. I write knews ...There was someone else I was supposed to exchange with but I forget...
  15. So I filled up the rest of the page like I said I would. The part where I put the shitload of handies... I had a sketch there but it turned out really bad so I just covered it with handies haha. The K and the S are sideways so yeah... A ninja charak my friend asked me to do for him... He's asian so yeah... Not done. I'm not sure if I want to do something a little special with the body, like add a little V-neck thing or something... Help? ...Aaaaaaaaaaand, I've been digging these rollers ever since I took a trip to SF a couple weeks ago. So I tried my hand and some... Not too shabby if I do say so myself...
  16. ...Aaaaand here's mine from today. Far from finished. I started a KN over on the left. I want to have it stretching out over the whole thing. I'll finish it tomorrow and fill the middle up with shit.
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